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Awesome Flipper Zero Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  • This is a community FAQ. Please consider also reading the Official docs.
  • It is written with information from the latest dev firmware, you may have to wait for a firmware (pre)release before some of the questions/answers become relevant.
  • This FAQ is still being worked on, and contributions are welcome.

If your question isn't answered here, you can search on this differents places :

  • Discord (check the pinned messages before asking there, the unique language here is in English)
  • Telegram (Telegram used by russian Community)
  • Forum (Multi language)
  • reddit (Multi language)

Also, yuo can contact me


Where to buy a Flipper zero ?

  • It should be a trustworthy brand, like SanDisk and Sony. Often, the communication protocol that Flipper uses is not fully supported by cheaper cards.
  • It is not recommended to use the SmartBuy SD Card!
  • The card's specifications should be between 4 and 64 GB, but an 8 GB card is more than enough.
  • After inserting the card, format (clear) and test it in the Flipper using its setting menu.
  • If data is corrupted before ejecting the card, unmount it using the Settings menu to do so.
  • A paperclip or other equivalent is necessary to push the SD Card in and out of your device.

Examine the official documentation for more details!

How do I install databases and dumps?

Once the dump is downloaded, you can move them using either qFlipper or Flippers mobile app. To facilitate faster transfers, you can also eject the SD Card from Flipper and insert it into your computer when transferring large files or multiple copies.


With qFlipper, you can connect your device and click on the "file browser tab," enter the SD Card, and drag and drop files to their respective folders. The folder names are similar to file extensions.

Flippers mobile apps for Android and iOS

Establish a Bluetooth connection, save the file in your mobile app's archive, and synchronize it to your device.

Using SD Card manually

Drag files into their corresponding folders (the names of which are similar to the file extensions) when you plug in the SD Card to your PC.

How do I install applications and plugins?

Check this page for more information

The installation of the application is as simple as placing it in the apps folder on your SD card, provided that it has been packaged as a .fap file. From the Applications app, you can launch it.

In case the app hasn't been converted to a `.fap``, it is recommended to either contact the developer or compile it yourself.

How do I install custom firmwares?




First, ask yourself if you really need to. Sure, it might be fun to break out of Sub-GHz transmission restrictions, but how often are you actually going to do that? Is it really worth breaking the law? After you've ignored the previous sentences, make sure there's a working MicroSD Card in your Flipper and head over to the repository of your perferred firmware. Look for releases and find the .dfu file or update package (typically a .tar, .tar.gz, or .zip file, it always contains a file named update.fuf). - If you only have a .dfu, it must be installed using the "Install from file" option in qFlipper. Select the file and begin the installation. - If you have an update package, you can either install it with qFlipper, or install it manually through the Micro SD card by following the steps below. - To manually install an update package, extract and transfer the folder (not the original archive file) to the update folder on the SD Card (create the folder if it doesn't already exist). Once transferred, go to the desktop/idle screen of the Flipper, press down to access the file browser, then left to view all folders. From there, open the update folder (typically at the bottom of the list) and find the folder you just transferred. Lastly, select the file named update and choose "Run in app" to install the firmware.

If there was no pre-compiled update file/package, you'll have to build the firmware yourself. See the next question for details. For more information, read the official documentation.

How do I write/compile my own applications/plugins/firmware/assets?

(The following is a summary of the official FBT docs.)

Since the introduction of Flipper Build Tool (FBT), this has become very easy! You should have a basic understanding of working on a command line before proceeding. The only prerequisite install is Git. You should also have an IDE installed, VSCode is recommended since the firmware repo has config files for it.

Will there be future hardware revisions?

Technically speaking, there's going to be a very minor hardware revision in the near future. Functionally speaking, it will be identical to every other Flipper Zero already sold. The revision only replaces a few internal components and doesn't offer any new features compared to existing devices, so don't bother waiting to buy it. Besides that, there are concepts for a Flipper One, but without a timeline for release.

What is Dummy Mode?

Currently, it only allows the Snake game to be opened when active. In the future, it will hide every app except games, in case your device is ever inspected or seized.

My device is frozen, how do I reboot/fix it?

  • To reboot the device: hold the BACK and LEFT buttons, then release simultaneously. If that didn't work, disconnect the USB cable and hold BACK for 30 seconds. This will preform a normal reboot.
  • To enter DFU/Recovery mode: Hold BACK and LEFT, then release BACK while still holding LEFT after a few seconds. When the screen lights up, you can release LEFT.
  • To exit DFU/Recovery mode: Follow steps for a normal reboot under the first bullet point.

If nothing works or the device is completely bricked, first make sure it's charged by plugging it in for 15-30 minutes. As a final resort, if you can't get it to turn on after charging, unplug the USB cable and hold OK plus BACK for 30 seconds. There will be no indication, but the device is now in recovery mode. Plug it in to a PC and use qFlipper to recover the firmware. Read the official docs for Control, Reboot, and Firmware recovery.

How do I access the CLI/Logs?

To access the Serial CLI, click one of the following based on your platform.

Desktop web browser*

*Chromium browsers only, such as: Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Opera/Opera GX, Brave, and Vivaldi.

  • Connect your Flipper via USB.
  • Ensure qFlipper and any other serial terminals are closed.
  • Open https://lab.flipper.net/</ain one of the aforementioned browsers.
  • Click CONNECT and select "USB Serial Device" from the list.
  • Wait until you can see your device details on screen.
  • Select the 💻 CLI item from the left sidebar.
  • Done!


  • Install PuTTY if it isn't already.
  • Connect your Flipper via USB.
  • Open qFlipper and look for the COM port next to the Flipper's name. (Should say COM followed by a number, like COM1)
  • Take note of the COM port number.
  • CLOSE qFlipper, otherwise the next steps won't work.
  • Open PuTTY and ensure you're on the Session screen.
  • Select "Serial" under connection type.
  • Set serial line to the COM port. (Just COM followed by the number, like COM1)
  • Set speed to 115200
  • Optional: Save the session settings for easy connection later.
  • Finally, click Open to enter the CLI.
  • Done!
  • If you get an "Access Denied" error, make sure qFlipper isn't running!


Note: I'm a filthy Windows user without any way to verify this procedure. Let me know if it's wrong!


  • Install Serial USB Terminal if it isn't already.
  • Open the app and go to the Connections screen in the hamburger menu (3 bars icon)
  • Connect your Flipper via USB.
  • Click the refresh icon if it doesn't automatically show up.
  • Allow Serial USB Terminal to access Flipper if prompted.
  • If it doesn't automatically connect, click the connect icon in the upper right. (2 plugs icon)
  • Done!
  • Note: To exit log mode, you'll have to disconnect and reconnect using the icon.


Unfortunately, iOS is incapable of accessing a serial terminal over USB; try one of the other methods.

On the Flipper, open the settings, go to System, and set Log Level to Debug. (You can keep Debug set to off unless someone asks you to turn it on) Once you have the CLI open, type log and press enter to start watching logs. Press Ctrl-C</codeor Cmd-C to exit log mode.