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IR Blaster


  • Expands the power of the flipper-zero's IR capabilities.
  • IR High-Intensity LEDs to disperse the signal being transmitted as "loud" as possible.
  • Low overall power consumption
  • Built-in Reverse polarity protection to prevent damage to the flipper if inserted backwards.
  • lets you control TVs, Projectors, A/V Equipment, wall AC units, fans, heaters, and much more using the flipper as an "universal remote"

Why not use the built-in IR on the flipper?

Well, you still need the built in IR on the flipper to program the flipper with new IR Signals as this is ONLY a transmitter. This said, when running unofficial firmware, you can turn on the "Debug IR" feature which will allow you to use this module. This will allow you to transmit at a might higher power than the built-in IR, which means you can turn on / off devices without having to point the flipper at the device directly. Advice: Don't test device in the next room while your significant other is watching TV 😂🤣

Technical details:

The IR Blaster is comprised of 7 high powered IR LEDs driven directly from the 5v rail. this operates the LEDs at their theoretical maximum brightness ensuring the signal is broadcast as "loud" as possible into the room. As long as the IR Receiver can see even a reflection of the IR being emitted, it should respond to the code being sent by the blaster.

How to Use

There has been a little confusion on how to use this module so I wanted to put together a quick guide to help you get started:

  • You must be using unofficial firmware as currently the official firmware does NOT support the forwarding of IR Signals to the external GPIO Pins. I suggest Unleashed, Xtreme, or RogueMaster firmware.
  • You must enable "Debug" mode: go to settings ---> system ---> debug ---> ON
  • This is a 5v Module! You must turn on 5v to use it go to GPIO ---> 5v --> ON

After you follow the above two steps, when you enter the "Infrared" menu option, you should see an option for "debug" and then an option to send to Pin A7(2). Make sure this is selected or it will not work.