Zeitraffer for
Simple intervalometer/timelapse app
Information about application
- Author: Check repo
- Version: 1.2
- Updated at: 2024-06-17
- Downloads: 0
Simple timelapse/intervalometer app for Flipper Zero, works via GPIO pins.¶
- Up and down - time.
- Left and right - number of frames
- Long press arrows - ±10 frames/seconds
- OK - start/pause
- Long press OK - turn on/off the backlight
- Back - reset
- Long press back - exit
1 frame - simple timer, 0 frames - infinite mode, -1 frames - BULB mode
When the timer is running, all buttons are blocked except OK.
What you need:¶
- two EL817C optocouplers
- pin header connector 1x3 2,54mm male
- some wire
- heat shrink
- camera remote connector
How to assemble¶
Take optocouplers, connect according to the scheme: https://theageoflove.ru/uploads/2022/11/camera_cable_en.jpg Camera pinout can be found here: https://www.doc-diy.net/photo/remote_pinout/
v1.2 - Compatibility to API 65.0