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Digimon F-Com

  • Digimon F-Com logo Digimon F-Com for GPIO GPIO


    App for interacting with digimon virtual pets

  • Information about application

    • Author: Check repo
    • Version: 1.4
    • Updated at: 2024-06-24
    • Downloads: 0

    Official Web Installer


Digimon F-Com

This application can be used to communicate with Digimon Virtual pets. You will need a small circuit between the Flipper Zero and the device in order for this to work as described Here

You may also want to copy the digirom codes from that repository into your app_data/fcom directory on your Flipper so they are accessible on the device for convenience.



Shut down GPIO when exiting app File browser now returns to the same location instead of resetting to application root Set up for publishing on flipper app store Add file browser icon and require .digirom extension for files to appear


Update app icon Add support for Alpha Serial by echoing "ready" back to it


Optimize event loop Add support for Joushiikuta's PCB Fix listen mode Emulate an arduino's USB VID/PID


Add support for color digimon devices


Initial version