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DAP Link

  • DAP Link logo DAP Link for GPIO GPIO


    Enables use of Flipper as a debug probe for ARM devices, implements the CMSIS-DAP protocol

  • Information about application

    • Author: @DrZlo13
    • Version: 1.2
    • Updated at: 2024-03-05
    • Downloads: 0

    Official Web Installer


DAP Link

This application allows you to use your Flipper Zero as a Free-DAP based SWD/JTAG debugger. Free-DAP is a free and open source firmware implementation of the CMSIS-DAP debugger.


SWD, JTAG , CMSIS-DAP v1 (18 KiB/s), CMSIS-DAP v2 (46 KiB/s), VCP (USB-UART).

WinUSB for driverless installation for Windows 8 and above.


v1.0 - Initial release, v1.1 - Various updates and fixes, v1.2 - Fixes for latest UART API