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Nfc Magic

  • Nfc Magic logo Nfc Magic for NFC NFC


    Application for writing to NFC tags with modifiable sector 0

  • Information about application

    • Author: @AloneLiberty
    • Version: 1.6
    • Updated at: 2024-03-14
    • Downloads: 0

    Official Web Installer


NFC Magic

This application allows you to check whether your NFC card is Magic, write data to Magic cards, and restore them to their original state.

What's a "Magic" Card?

A Magic card is a card that allows you to change its UID. Generally, NFC cards have a UID pre-programmed at the factory, and it cannot be changed. However, some cards have a special backdoor feature that allows you to change the UID. These cards are called Magic cards.

Supported Cards

Currently, not all Magic cards are supported. The following cards are supported:

  • Mifare Classic 1K/4K Gen1A/Gen1B (including OTP versions)
  • Ultimate Magic Card (Gen4 GTU)

For the Gen4 cards, both the Ultralight and the Classic modes are supported, with the ability to select a custom password.

The following cards are currently not supported:

  • Mifare Classic 1K/4K Gen2 (DirectWrite/CUID/FUID/UFUID)
  • Mifare Classic 1K/4K Gen3 (APDU)
  • Mifare Classic Magic Gen4 (GDM)
  • Supercard (Gen1 and Gen2)
  • Mifare Ultralight Gen1A/Gen1B (including OTP versions)
  • Mifare Ultralight DirectWrite
  • Mifare Ultralight EV1 DirectWrite
  • Mifare Ultralight C Gen1
  • Mifare Ultralight C DirectWrite
  • NTAG (all versions)
  • DESFire (all versions)
  • NFC-V/ISO15693 Magic Cards (all versions)



  • Rework with new bit lib API


  • Fix incorrect max sector configuration


  • Auth with password option moved into new submenu "Gen4 actions"
  • New function: Get gen4 card revision
  • New function: Get gen4 card config (shows only when debug ON)
  • New function: Set default config: for 06 A0 gen4 cards "revival". This revision of the cards may "fall into a coma" when interacting with it. In this state, she does not respond to any commands. This problem is solved by writing a standard config to the card


  • Fix incorrect gen4 password usage


  • Minimal changes for recent API updates


  • Rework application with new NFC API


  • Initial release