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Temp sensors reader

  • Temp sensors reader logo Temp sensors reader for GPIO GPIO


    Application for reading temperature, humidity and pressure sensors like a DHT11/22, DS18B20, BMP280, HTU21 and more

  • Information about application

    • Author: Check repo
    • Version: 1.4
    • Updated at: 2024-03-05
    • Downloads: 0

    Official Web Installer


Unitemp - Universal temperature sensor reader

Application for reading temperature, humidity and pressure sensors like a DHT11/22, DS18B20, BMP280, HTU21 and more.

List of supported sensors

  • DHT11
  • DHT12
  • DHT21/AM2301
  • DHT22/AM2302
  • DHT20/AM2108
  • AM2320
  • AHT10
  • AHT20
  • SHT30/GXHT30
  • SHT31/GXHT31
  • SHT35/GXHT35
  • LM75
  • BMP180
  • BMP280
  • BME280
  • BME680
  • HTU21D(F)
  • HDC1080
  • DS18B20
  • DS18S20 (DS1820)
  • DS1822
  • MAX31855
  • MAX6675

Need help? Discussions?

Join the discussion, ask a question or just send a photo of the flipper with sensors to Discord. Invite link


Thanks to @Svaarich for the UI design and to the Unleashed firmware community for sensors testing and feedbacks.


Unitemp changelog

Unitemp 1.4

  • Remove version value from application manifest
  • Small fix (Thanks for JamesDavid)

Unitemp 1.3

  • New FZ API satisfaction

Unitemp 1.2

  • New sensor - BME680 (temperature, humidity, pressure)
  • New sensor - MAX31855 (temperature on termocouple)
  • New sensor - MAX6675 (temperature on termocouple)
  • Added the ability to quickly change the temperature unit by holding the OK key
  • Fixes and improvements

Unitemp 1.1

  • Added new sensors: DHT20, AM2108, AHT10, AHT20, GXHT30/31/35, SHT30/31/35, BMP180, HTU21x, HDC1080.
  • Fixed incorrect display of negative values of DHT sensors.
  • Fixed incorrect editing and display of the I2C address

Unitemp 1.0

  • Application release