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u-blox GPS

  • u-blox GPS logo u-blox GPS for GPIO GPIO


    App to display and log data from u-blox GPS modules over I2C

  • Information about application

    • Author: liamur
    • Version: 0.4
    • Updated at: 2024-03-06
    • Downloads: 0

    Official Web Installer


u-blox GPS

App to display and log data from a u-blox GPS module connected over I2C to the Flipper. This app can also synchronize the Flipper's internal clock to GPS time. See the main README for complete documentation:


0.4: - Fix code to work with firmware 0.99 and up 0.3: - Bugfixes: logging and error modes are much less broken - New features: battery percentage on the data display and automatic sync of the log file every 16 samples. 0.1: - Initial release with data display, two view modes, time syncing, GPS configuration, and KML logging.