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FN Tester

  • FN Tester logo FN Tester for GPIO GPIO


    Application for testing the fiscal drive (Only for the Russian market)

  • Information about application

    • Author: Igor Danilov
    • Version: 0.2
    • Updated at: 2023-12-19
    • Downloads: 4579

    Official Web Installer


Fiscal drive tester

Fiscal drive is a device for Russian entrepreneurs, which is installed in cash registers to register receipts and send them to the tax authorities.

Application functionality

Information about the FN:

  • Serial number
  • FN life phase
  • Change status
  • Current and maximum available version of the FDF
  • Software version and type (MGM or combat FN)

FN life cycle information

  • End date of the FN
  • Number of registrations / re-registrations
  • Remaining number of registrations / re-registrations
  • Information about remaining memory resource

Reset MGM:

  • Sending command 60 16 to reset the test FN (MGM)


v 0.1

  • First betta version